Ten days, temperatures colder than -40°C, and 252 hours of play later, and the World’s Longest Hockey Game wraps up another year. The Cure Cancer Foundation is humbled by the incredible efforts of the players, the dedication of the volunteers, and the overwhelming support of the donors and sponsors. The event was hugely successful and better than anyone could have hoped.

The game this year was a bit different, being played in the middle of a pandemic, there were extra precautions taken and strict health measures in place. But nothing stopped the brave players from doing what they set out to do: raise money for cancer research.

Not only did the group raise enough money to meet their goal, but they exceeded it, raising over $1.8 million dollars to fund cancer research here in Alberta.

The money raised went straight to Dr. Mackey who is working on a new cancer drug called PCLX-001 that is showing very promising results for common cancers such as breast, lung, bladder, and pancreas. Even more excitingly, it is showing extreme promise in blood cancers such as leukemia and Non-Hodgins Lymphoma.

This drug can go to patients right here in Alberta, making a difference in their lives that otherwise may have ended early.

Thanks to the World’s Longest Hockey Game, Dr. Mackey now has the money he needs to save lives, here in Alberta.

World’s Longest Hockey Game was a great kickoff to 2021! There are many more exciting events planned for this year from the Cure Cancer Foundation and our supporters.  

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